Car DoorStep
If you have always been a traveler and the adventurous type, or if your car’s rooftop is typically used for transporting surfboards, kayaks, bikes and any other outdoor gear, then you might benefit from having this doorstep around. The Automobile Car Doorstep gives you swift and easy access to the roof of your car. Whenever you need to attach some gear to the rooftop you can use this doorstep instead of standing on your tiptoes or worse- your car seat.
Made out of aluminum and anti-slip surface design; feel very solid when securing anything to the rooftop.
Fit most vehicle latch pin; hook it to your car door frame in a matter of seconds.
Incorporating Window Glass Break Hammer for Emergency Escape.
Foldable and easy to store, made from light-weighted durable Aluminum Alloy. It assists you easily in fixing or fetching Bike, Surfboard, or other Bulky Travel items on car rooftop/ rack.
Safety hammer design provides you with a powerful tool for survival in case of an emergency.
Support up to 510 Pounds: it can support up to 510 pounds for access to car rooftop or rack, no problem for big guy handling bulky items (Max: 510 Pounds).
Dimension (5.9*3.9*3.9 inch) is big enough to fit for all sizes of feet, the Non-slip design provides solid and secure support for you standing on the doorstep, compatible with all kinds of SUV or RV.
With the help of Car Rooftop Doorstep, you can put all your bulky items on car rooftop or rack without any struggle as to make full use of in-car space, and enjoy a wonderful journey with all necessary items along with you.
Please Note:
Before use, please put on the adhesive around the edge of doorstep so as to avoid scratching the paint on your car.
Under the industrial regulation, the slam-door latch must withstand the force of 2500 pounds at least, please be free of worry about damage on the latch while you step on the doorstep.
The Car DoorStep provides a comfortable platform for both feet and allows for a balanced standing position. The patented Step eliminates dirty shoes on vehicle seats and the need for step stools or ladders. If you are short or your vehicle is tall; the Car DoorStep makes getting your gear on or off your roof a breeze!
Product weight: 220g (including packaging)
Product size: 15.5 * 7.5 * 7.5cm
Material: high polymer magnesium aluminium alloy (lighter weight, better toughness, greater bearing capacity)
Maximum Weight Recommendation Load: 200kg
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Great thing. Very fast shipping.